
Thursday, September 24, 2015

Dojo Point Tracker

Our kindergarteners are very excited about their Dojo Monsters and the points they are earning in school.  We hope they have been sharing it with you.   Some of them may have already come home with a certificate for reaching 20 points!

Starting Monday, September 28, the kindergarten team will be sending home a Dojo Point Tracker in your child’s daily folder.  This will show your child’s cumulative points as of the end of the day.  Remember, at 20 points, your child’s points are reset to 0, so if he/she has 19 one day, it is possible for them to have 2 points the next.  You can use this tracker to talk to your child about his/her behavior at school.  Ask your child how he/she earned points and praise them for following our school rules.

There are also certain circumstances where students may lose a point (for behaviors that require immediate consequences).  However, these students may earn that point back later in the same day.   Keep in mind, too, that you will receive a call or note from the teacher if there is a behavior concern for your child. 

We are pleased with the student response we have gotten towards Class Dojo.  We hope this tracker allows you to continue the conversation about the 6 Pillars of Character at home, too – Respect, Responsibility, Caring, Trustworthiness, Fairness and Citizenship.