
Thursday, May 12, 2016

Field Day Info

What is Field Day?  Field Day is a daylong event on Tuesday May 17.  We will be outside and in the gym playing games, showing class spirit, and dancing and having fun.

What should my child wear and bring on field day?  Kindergarten’s team color is white.  Your child should wear a white t-shirt and sneakers (No flip flops or sandals).  They can bring a hat and sunscreen but teachers are not allowed to apply the sun screen.  The best plan is to put it on your child at home.  If they need to reapply, they will have to do it themselves.  They can bring a water bottle, but they will be responsible for carrying it all day.  Make sure they’re name is on it.  If they do not bring one, they can get water from the water fountains.

Can I volunteer to help on Field Day?  YES!  Please let your teacher know if you are able to be here in the morning, afternoon or all day.   If you already filled out and returned the volunteer form, it did not ask for times, so please let your teacher know.